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CAA RxDC Reporting Information

For most plans, this is 501

    Basic Info

    If possible please use the plan name as it appears in the RCI portal.

    Time Frame
    Premium Information

    In order to help your company comply with new regulations we need to know the cost breakdown of each of your medical health plans. Please provide the cost of each tier below.
    If your plan doesn't use one of the tiers please just leave it blank.

    Employee Share
    Group Share
    Total Amount
    Employee Only
    Employee And Spouse
    Employee And Children
    Content collapsed

A wellness program, defined as a program of health promotion or disease prevention, can be (1)participatory or (2)health-contingent. Participatory wellness programs are wellness programs where none of the conditions for obtaining a reward under the wellness program are based on an individual satisfying a standard that is related to a health factor, or wellness programs that do not provide a reward. For additional explanation see cms.gov.

Form Submitter Information